‘We love Tanya’s work. We first saw her sculptures in 2016 at her private exhibition in the Anteros Gallery Norwich, we subsequently bought a piece from her website; it was two people facing each other in a boat with a large balloon above it entitled 'Flight-in-Dream-and-Reality'. Since then, we have bought four other large installations, the most recent being in 2020 which was Tanya’s new version of Alice in Wonderland’s ‘Mad Hatter’s Tea-party’, and several smaller figures. Her work is very diverse and always mesmerising. We cannot recommend it highly enough. Tanya also has a fascinating workshop, a bit like Aladdin’s Cave.’
Nigel and Idin
‘We first saw Tanya's work in 2018 at the International Steampunk Festival within Lincoln castle. I found her work mesmerising with such attention to detail. We bought a large installation entitled ‘Venetian Theatre’, and still love it as much as when we first saw it. This year (2020) we visited Tanya's studio in Norwich and bought another large installation called’ ‘We re all in the same boat’. We see something different every time we look at her work, and recommend it to everyone.’
Pat Osborne and Simon Bailey
‘I met Tanya for the first time in 2017 at ‘The Spring Art Show’ in the Forum Norwich. I was immediately taken by the originality of her fascinating creations that not only did I offer to build her a website, but 2 years later I also bought a large wall hanging in mixed media called "The Blue Princess’. It is truly unique and, like all of her work, I find that there is always something new to see in it’.
Keith H
“I first saw Tanya’s work when I was drawn to a series of pictures on a ceramicist forum on Facebook. Tanya’s work stood out and although her character like sculptures are very unique they have a very familiar quality; as if a dream had been captured in clay. The first two pieces I bought in February 2020 encapsulated some of the essence and magic of her work. Although I bought them purely for their aesthetic beauty I am sure that in the future, as the Martin brothers work is today, they will become extremely collectable.
I have since commissioned Tanya to create a piece to mark the 2020 pandemic. My brief was very loose but in true Tanya style she added her creative genius and created a work which is; as an archaeologist is personal to me and my passion for the technological aspects of pre-historic ceramic production, but also unlike any of her other figures. It is this flexibility, creativity and familiarity which enticed me to admire, appreciate and wish to acquire such wonderful creations.”
Tony Giff
Isle of Wright
‘It was in 2015 that I passed a Norwich gallery and saw a figurine which made me double back and look longer. It was ‘The Mask Seller’ and I fell in love with it instantly. I learnt it was Tanya’s design and it was my first acquisition.
I have since been to Tanya’s many exhibitions and to her studio where I purchased ‘City Angels’ a large (floor standing) installation and ‘The Late Date’ - an elderly couple taking tea at a little table with the most exquisite table cloth. I am now waiting in anticipation for my ‘Mad Hatter’ from her ‘Alice Collection’. I have never seen anything quite like Tanya’s work, she certainly has a flair for individuality and no two pieces are the same. I then introduced my sister to Tanya’s work and she has also purchased many pieces.
Thank you Tanya for making our home so very special with your creations I adore them!’
Lindsay and Richard
“I saw Tanya’s work at her exhibition in Kensington Town Hall in London in November 2019 I immediately fell in love with all of the pieces she was exhibiting. As the piece I purchased, entitled ‘Lady with Balloon’, was too large and delicate to be sent a couple of weeks later I collected it from her Norwich studio. I love the mixed techniques Tanya uses to make her sculptures, installations and paintings. They have the power to transport people’s mind into a different, magical world full of fantasy. This was the first but surely not the last piece of art
I will purchase from Tanya.”
Oliver Mc Queen (London)